Side by side with the SAT

Don't worry, Rindegastos is designed to comply with all SAT requirements and policies, so it validates documentation and providers, avoiding related problems.

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Rindegastos does the work for you

We know the regulations and how the documents should be submitted, you only need to forward the receipts to our email and we will do the rest of the work.
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We automatically validate information with the SAT

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Rindegastos validates the XML and PDF files, and creates the expense from them when the information is correct.
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The status of CFDI documents and files are validated by being integrated with the SAT.
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Check online the status of the provider in the SAT and avoid problems with providers with an irregular situation.
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The platform validates the authenticity of the RFC with the data available in the SAT.
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tax settings

Rindegastos will make your work related to accounting for taxes in Mexico easier.
Learn more about what
makes us unique
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Tax Management

Hand in hand with your taxpaying entity. Rindegastos adapts to the taxpaying institutions of each country.
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Manage and view in real time the amounts allocated from petty cash and the funds to be paid from all collaborators.
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All your information will be protected and backed up with constant availability and access to it. Rindegastos has a backup system that preserves all your data and encrypts it so that only you can access it.