A platform in the
you can trust

All your information will be protected and backed up with
availability and constant access to it. We have a backup system that preserves all your data and encrypts it so that only you can access it.


Backed up in the cloud for
access whenever you want

All your data will be on our platform so you don't have to worry about the information being lost or disappearing.

Information 100%
available all the time

The information you require will always be available for viewing
and export thanks to the constant backup we make with all the data entered into the software.

Security Protocols

We abide by the highest security standards in the world,
preventing attacks and safeguarding information.
Learn more about what
makes us unique

Automatic validations

Automatic validations to control that the information is always in accordance with company policies; amounts, valid RUT, dates, types of expenses, and much more.

Reporting and export

Easily access all the reported expense information that is constantly being backed up and export the reports in the way that suits you best.
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Tax Management

Hand in hand with your taxpaying entity. Rindegastos adapts to the taxpaying institutions of each country.